date 2013-03-22
Lean Six Sigma Training - The Quality Tool

Lean Six Sigma Training - The Quality Tool

The craze for perfection is well understood. All wish to purchase a product which has absolute quality and meets the expectations of a customer in totality. The process of providing complete quality is made possible by a statistical method called Six Sigma. The craving for Six Sigma products has increased to such an extent that Six Sigma itself has become a brand. Organisations as diverse as hospitals, hotels, local bodies, prisons and banks are using Six Sigma methodology to attain near perfection in the services that they provide. Six Sigma training will make it possible for you to provide flawless services.

The advent of Six Sigma was when Motorola used its methodology to reduce the variations in electronic manufacturing. This was later adopted by Ford and general Electric both of whom reported huge profits in first five years of its implementation. Soon thereafter, Six Sigma became popular amongst all concerns of different hues and services. The methodology of Six Sigma reached its apex when most of the training products, consultancy services and services started branding themselves as Six Sigma users.

As a metric it is a measure of number of defects per million opportunities. A defect is said to occur when the item produced does not comply the quality specifications. Opportunity is defined as the step where there is highest probability of a defect occurring. A measure of 3.4 defects per million opportunities is the best measure which an enterpreauners can dream of and he gets it with the deployment of Six Sigma techniques. Doing Six Sigma course, will thus be productive for the organisation employing you. It would also help ensure your   employability at all times.

As a methodology Lean Six Sigma training is a most important tool for customer satisfaction. The customers these decide upon the product specifications. These specifications are then studied by design department which uses Six Sigma techniques to see that all specifications are embedded in the design to cater to needs of the customers. This way Six Sigma methodology addresses the vital question of customer satisfaction. Over and above this, Six Sigma improves all the processes of the organisation since application of Six Sigma to any process requires an in depth study. The improvement of processes is thus a natural out fall of Six Sigma methodology and you would be well advised to do Six Sigma certification.

The check valve of Six Sigma is the DMAIC. It is a valuable tool for keeping a check on the Six Sigma project. The project should not go astray and focus on its intended path. Thus Six Sigma practitioners use the Define, Measure, Analyse, Implement, Control tool to see the project through. Unless, the top management is sure that defect does exist it would not be able to start a Six Sigma project. Thereafter the extent of the defect and reasons thereof are determined and then best solution found to counter it. This solution is then implemented and controlled till the improvements have proved themselves. Do Six Sigma training and be a part of improvement. 


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