date 2013-03-15
Consumerism With Lean Six Sigma

Consumerism With Lean Six Sigma

In order to improve customer satisfaction and improve processes the most powerful tool available is the customer driven Six Sigma. No doubt, Six Sigma is consumer driven since teamwork, management and accountability are the skills emphasised upon in Six Sigma training. All members of the organisation who take part in Six Sigma operations focus their attention on customer satisfaction. The flawless execution of production processes delivers customer satisfaction and reduces costs at a faster rate and then sustaining the results over a long period. 

As Six Sigma is data-driven, lot of data is required to be analysed and studied before any decision to launch a Six Sigma project is taken by the top management. When the defect is recurring and persistently appears in the feedback received from customers it becomes imperative to conduct a Six Sigma project. The wisdom to distinguish need from requirement comes after doing Six Sigma certification. The whole process of Six Sigma and the improvements affected thereby are focussed at giving a near-perfect yield. Statistically, you would learn by doing Six Sigma certification that there can only be 3.4 defects in a million opportunities.  The statistical methods deployed, to achieve this kind of yield is the focus of Six Sigma training.

Teamwork is essential to the Six Sigma process. It cannot be applied by a single individual or a leader. He has to involve all the employees of the organisation. It has to be teamwork. Various teams are formed to study the processes and identify the why and how of a defect. The green belts, the black belts and super black belts are the various categories of Six Sigma qualifications and these professionals head the teams at various layers of Six Sigma project.  Getting at that near-perfect yield becomes a matter of pride for all employees since a near-perfect quality brings in the revenue which translates into enhanced pay and allowances for the employees.  Qualifying Six Sigma certification is essential to be a Master Black Belt or a Project Champion. An MNC undertakes three to four projects per year and the companies pay a sum of $100,000/= per Six Sigma project to the Master Black Belt. That is, no doubt a large sum of money and thus becoming Master Black belt is alluring.

Apart from being simply a metric (3.4 defects per million), the Six Sigma is a methodology too since it addresses the issues of customer satisfaction and improvement of processes. The amalgamation of both results in Six Sigma being a complete management system. Applying Six Sigma as a management system improves the operational efficiency of the organisation and makes the processes fast-paced. This is the reason to go in for Lean Six Sigma training. The word Lean signifies speed and agility. This can be achieved if a process passes through a minimum number of hands from the start to its end.

Go for six sigma certification or Lean Six Sigma course to become adept at process improvement methods and providing optimum customer satisfaction. The consumerism stands atop the heap of business strategies.

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